anonn say :

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

klik! klik! klik!

we are connceted!!

8 July 2010

xde pe2 laa

salam..finally, hari ni blh on9 blik...huhu. Lepas melebur  melabur kan duit dalam account p1 smlm, hari ni da blh guna blik tenet...haha...mmg masak la jgk nk kena byr2 bil ni..huh! x sabar aq nk hbiskan studi ni...urm...cuma aq x thu ar, nk keje terus or smbung stdy lgi??lau ikut aty, nk keje aty kecik aq ckp blaja la lg, fmly pun suh aq smbung lagi..hehe.pe2 tgk ar dulu mcm ne..Ni lagi satu haru, bila la markah external paper nk kuar ni? lamabat sgt ke? ni da msuk bln 7..exam ari tu bulan 4..adui...x sabar n jugak berdebar2 kot..aty mmg pasrah tp mulut mmg tiap2 hari duk tny kawan2 bila nk kuo result ni..

mmg boring ar, g kls, blik klas, tyme gap hours tu, makan, kadang2 tido kejap..blik kelas ptg mmg xde keje lain la..terbongkang atas tilam jela yg aq thu buat..nk kuo jalan2 pun, nmpk mcm best tp hakikat x best langsung! lagi2 tyme nafas da separuh..nk mintak family buat CPR pun duk la blik je..haha

ni hari ni da khmis, lepak laa...tggu abg aq datang amik je...nk blik umh weekend ni membuta je la keje nye..x kira siang ke malam la jwb nye..bilik ku syurga ku....haha

hati...sabar la,huhu... xsabar nk blik umh..mcm ne eak member2 aq yg kat luar tu rase, da la jauh, pastu blik nye bila da graduated nnti ok lagi la blh blik je tiap kali cuti..ok! TITIK! sabar je la..haha, cuti pun da xlama da...23/7 ni smp 1/8... kira okey la tu.

bila tgk tarikh tu, da sebulan aq kat sni, my last sem n last year, tp stu buku pun haram aq x sentuh buat study sendiri..mmg bala la ni..bila la nk wake up ni. Someone, please push me hard...badly!!

ni baru je abis khatam novel aA+bB n jgk [tunas]...fuh..mmg mengembalikan memori tyme sekolah je novel xde ar smp mcm dorang, lg pun aq bukan duk tyme penceritaan pasal dorang blaja fizik,kimia,bio n add math tu, mmg x leh tahan..argh,kan best lau dulu aq pun blaja mati2an mcm dorang..boleh la jgk score 'A', hahaha. Nasib badan ar, sape suruh jd pemalas, kelas keje ponteng kat umh xpernah, buku beli je, x nk usik pun, siap blh bgi kat junior la plak tu bnda, kenangan je la, xde guna menyesal, cuma lau blh ase nk je rewind time biar duk zmn skolah blik, buat smething yg break d rules n tyme sama blaja jd pelajar n manusia!!

k ar, smua jemput chill eak??
k tQ n take Care!

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