anonn say :

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

klik! klik! klik!

we are connceted!!

29 June 2010

yesterday and today's story kbr smua?? sal lak tjuk entry pg2 mcm ni, semcm je??hehe..sbnr nye, aq nk citer pasal citer smlm n hari ni, citer dia berbeza, tp still bnda sama?? de paham x?? lau x, baca la lagi..huhu

kisah nya, lau kelmarin, mcm ne eak aq nk ckp?? g ni la, aq ni kan stdy kat KL, so lau hr mggu aq stay kat umh abg aq, lau hri isnin tu bru abg aq htr blik kolej..jd citer nye,mula2, aq da bgun awl lagi, kelas lak start pkul 10.30 (28/6/2010) dlm dlm kul 10.00 am tu aq da siap pack, simpan smua brg2 aq nk blik kolej, so aq msg la abg aq ckp aq tguu kat basement , suh dia hntr, sape sgka la lak, betapa aq x berjaya nye nk g klas hari tu sbb ape???hmm...abg aq bls msg ckp:
  "tgh meeting nih"...
so pe la lg, ponteng klas la jwb nye (sdh la gak...hihi)..jd aq stay la kat umh abg aq lg smp la hri ni

ehem3x...hari ni lak, klas mmg start pkul 10.30 jgk, cuma aq x nk bnda sama happen skali lg, awl2 aq da siap, 8.2++ aq da ready siap ketuk pintu blik abg aq, ckp suh htr, n yg x sgka nye, jam 08:34:15am msuk msg kwn aq ckp kls cancel???

so, kira lbh kurang la, jd hari ni sehari lagi aq duk umh abg aq..haha
kira dua2 hari ni aq mcm xde kls la (satu pntg, stu kls cancel??)

bila duk umh ngn abg aq phm2 la, dia pun bujang, masak sndiri, utk hari ni, aq msak lauk daging goreng?? xpercaya ek?? ni buktinye..

ni duk rebus ngn air nk bg dging tu lembut
ni lak lauk kami utk hari ni...hua3
biase la duk bujang, thu mask skit mcm ni kira da okey la kan??hehe

tpi kan, smbil2 duk masak tu, aq duk mkn durian..hehe

amik bau dulu..hehe
makan dengan kulit???

walau pun sedikit x lawa, tp bau nye..perhh,mmg harum semerbak
(isi dia x lawa sbb buah ni da lama kot, ada dlm smggu lbh da kot???)

menikmatinya dengan penuh kenikmatan

xde la byk sgt aq makan, 2 biji je, tu pun kecik2 je buah

tp kan lau time duk kat umh (means kg ) lgi la best, buah amik segar2 lau musim dia, amik je kat kebun, mkn kat bwh pokok kdg2..huhu, tp skg pokok kat kebun pun da tua2, buah pun da xde sgt, lgi2 skg parent aq da tebang sbhgian sbb nk buat tanam pokok getah, yg tinggal pun bbrp batang pokok je lagi .... ;(

post kali ni agak pjg skit.,hehe
slmt menjamu selera..haha

take care evryone!!

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